Every healing circle meeting we have held among the affected in Mt. Elgon has strongly evidenced the traumatic impact of violence on communities. Affected community members continue to live in fear. Spaces for trust are shrunk or even not there at all. Letting go of the dark past and the pain and loss that accompanies it remains a tall order. This situation is exacerbated where victims and perpetrators live together in the same community. Victims and their families still enraged sow and nurture strong desire for revenge to get justice and closure. This turns them into aggressors.
Perpetrators on the other hand have difficulties interacting with other community members. They daily live rejected and isolated. We have examples of some who are mentally derailed. The most affected are young women who were sexually abused during the violent conflicts. Their wounds are deep, almost reaching to the bone.
In the context of community peace, what is the traumatic impact of violence on communities? Let’s reflect together and share our views and even lived experiences.